and some days they forget to turn in their permission slip for a luncheon that is being put on by their sponsor company. this luncheon is solely to THANK the students... and if a student doesn't go... why that would be RIDICULOUS
ok so let me rewind on this one.
Our kids... who work for awesome companies... sometimes get awesome perks. For example 6 different companies are hosting 6 different luncheons in which we pull the three students and bring them to their work (the 4th student is already at work). They get to be thanked AND thank their sponsors. and sometimes eat INCREDIBLE food.
but to do so... the kids must bring in a permission slip.
So one student has been give 4 permission slips over the past two weeks and I have sought him out basically daily to ask him/remind him to turn it in.
Yesterday he comes to school permissionslip-less. AND I remind him how embarrassing it would be if he couldn't attend his own THANK YOU lunch all because he couldn't turn in a permission slip.
We call his mom and she says she will come into the school and sign it in the afternoon. This, naturally, does not happen.
So today I hunt him down first thing to grab that grubby little piece of permission.... and guess who doesn't have it!!!
AHHHH... So I explained how frustrating and ridiculous this was. How it is SO important for us to have a good relationship with these sponsors. How we've been running around all week to make this happen.
This turns out to be like a 5 minute lecture.
And what does he do.... he goes on to tell me that he things "it's a bit funny"
Immabout ready to have steam coming out of my ears but I calmly/sarcastically ask... "And why would it be funny that you forgot your permission slip, cannot go to your own "Thank You" Luncheon....
it was funny because he had it in his pocket the whole time. signed. good to go.
Who knew these kids had a sense of humor.