29 August 2011

“People should fall in love with their eyes closed.” - Andy Warhol

So life is great and hectic and most importantly beautiful.

Here is a quick calendar refresh.

I moved on the 21st

22nd- first day of school
25th- the students found out where they were going to work!!!
26th- first annual building the kingdom day (all- school service day)

Today (29th)- Meet your student work team - Downtown
Tomorrow (30th)- Meet you student work team- Non- downtown.
August 31st- Downtown Orientations On-Site Orientation
September 1st- Non- Downtown On-Site Orientation AND Mass of the Holy Spirit!

It will certainly be a packed week. VERY exciting for all our students to meet their awesome sponsors!

Now onto my quote/title....

Last week I had the students do a little in house conversation. I have them divided into 4 pod work groups. Each on received an artist (Monet, Warhol, Dali and Picasso) and they had to write as many facts (from memory) about that artist OR comment on the piece that I handed them from the artisit.

My winning group (Andy Warhol) was VERY impressive in their fact finding mission. They had a ton of GREAT art knowledge on Warhol including that quote!

I was impressed.

More on life later!

23 August 2011

you are at a "6" but I know you can be a "10"

yesterday was my first day of teaching art.

today will be my second.

most importantly i survived.
my lesson plan... well 1/3 of it made out OK... but let's just say things went a bit slower than i expected/thought.

ill send more details soon.

in other news.. now that i am employed i have been taking full advantage of my salary... unfortunately not in a fun way more in a... i just moved and things need to be bought to function kind of way.

15 August 2011

congratulations to dani and james!

this past weekend sent me to wisconsin!

brings me back to way back when... when i helped out with their actual engagement (but enough about me). it was an AWESOME wedding and celebration.

congratulations to the happy couple. more to come later.

including some awesome photo booth photos!

08 August 2011

snail mail

I love snail mail. As I begin the daunting task of packing up I have been taking down all the wonderfully AWESOME cards I have received throughout the year. Anyone who sent me some snail mail should know that it/love/cards made it to a wall or bulletin board of some sort in my room. I have sadly taken them all down as I continue to pack up but I took a picture of the uddles of cards I received (this may not look like a lot but there are probably 60-70 cards in there... between snail mail and roommate mail)!

Now.. this is a WHOLE different pile of mail (below). This is mail that came only from 7424.  JUST from my parents... who were SO awesome to send roughly 43 cards throughout the year!

Not mail related... but still silly..

Who doesn't love a comprehensive grocery list. Thanks to Cara we now know what we really need. She is no longer with us... probably resting in peace on the east coast while preparing for her big debut on the east coast!  Gotta Lover her!

03 August 2011


I honor the place in you of light, 
of truth,
of peace. 
I honor the place within you where, 
if you are in that place in you 
and I am in that place in me, 
there is only one of us... 

this really brought me back to high school... when sister linda used to say this to us as we started class. but this was a reflection activity we did (based on the word Namaste) at dis-orientation. it seems relevant to me as our school doubles in capacity for both faculty/staff AND students. there will be a LOT of "namaste-ing" going on!