28 June 2011

photo dump.

Another round of photo dumps to document my recent adventures!

Mackenzie (future roommate) and I at "dress like a student day" at Cristo Rey Jesuit!

Ashley made this cake for my Birthday... We miss you... and may Krustopher rest in peace!

Emily made me this sign for my birthday! I was worried that people wouldn't like me since I am 23.

Look who came to Houston! And is now running around the whole globe! Thanks for visiting me. I miss you!

Normal Rockwell commissioned a wax sculptor to make a real version of one of his most famous pieces... who knew this existed in Wisconsin!

Gotta love a good rhyme.

For my birthday Tomás got me a fish eye lens for the camera on my phone! This is a picture of him at George Webbs in Wisconsin!

This is what Cristo Rey Jesuit looks like right now... we are going through construction!

Emily and I "flipped the books" in the San Antonio Jesuit Volunteer house.  Surprise!
Cara sent this silly picture.... I think it is funny... but for the record I have NO idiot friends!

23 June 2011

spend out.

on tuesday my roommate emily did a community night based on a book she read called the happiness project.

i've never read it. but she has. so that got us talking about "happiness" (surprisingly not the first community night that we've discussed the topic)

the writer, gretchen, creates her own "happiness project" complete with month by month "to-do" lists and focus areas.

for community night we talked about where we would be or focus on some of her monthly projects

  • what would you do if you had a free hour
  • what would you do if you had a free week
  • what would your splurge on if you had some extra money
you know... those kinds of fun things...

our night ended with some pure happiness.... a good old fashion slip in slide. come one come all... even the neighbor kids joined in on the adventure.

but i thought the whole hullabaloo was pretty neat (maybe someday ill sit down and read the book and not just take emily's word for it).

but there was one thing that popped into my head. one of rachel's task is to...

 spend out.

spend out.

so the way i understand it                           ..... is using the things we have. because we can. 

you know when you a new skirt/shirt/top (any random clothing item that you purchased) and you save it up for the perfect event... so it just sits in a closet being unused.

or when you have a gift card for a restuarant or shop that you just keep saving in case you need it in a "pinch"

or when you know you need a new basic item (something you use everyday) like a hair product or make-up but you keep holding off (random tangent... i once did this for a small period of time with toothpaste... don't get grossed out... i just kept using up all the samples i could find until finally i got a new tube). 

so i love this idea.

spend out. use what i have. because i can. its not being wasteful... rather said item was simply being wasted!

so today... i spent out.... i used this set of cards that one of my college buddies jimbo, gave me. he got them on a trip to italy and they are super neat hand-made paper with sea-salts or something like that. they were so neat, so i kept saving them...

the look much cooler in person.

... and i NEVER used them because i was saving them for the "write" time (get it. pun.).
but today is "spent out" and wrote a note!

im going to keep spending out. ill keep you posted if i run into any fun "spending out" adventures!

oh. and if you have a neat "spending out" adventure... let me know... comment or hit me up kate.niemer@gmail.com

that's all she wrote.

21 June 2011

swim. bike. run. handstand.

finally some photos. 

me sticking my tongue out (saturday before the tri)

pre-race handstand: 6am

early morning sunrise

number 936.. I had to "re-number" a few times due to sunscreen= eraser.
running from swim to bike (T1)



almost done.


post-race handstand

20 June 2011

mil. wonk. ee

I was home. In the great Dairy State for the past week on vacation (what a better place to vacation than milwaukee)!

The week was filled with:
  • eating at a ton of awesome restaurants I LOVE
  • hanging out with my mom and dad (and my brother a bit when he was in town)
  • seeing my godparents
  • making another t-shirt blanket
  • packing up some of my clothes and such to bring more stuff down to Texas (did I mention that I am staying here for another year as an employee?!?)
  • and THEN.... milwaukee got a special guest.... Tomás came to see my town!.... it was AWESOME to show him around the place I know and love... he got to see a lot of neat things and places... such as..
    • the milwaukee lake front/calatrava 
    • George Webbs- Milwaukee famous 24 hour eatery
    • My house!
    • The Tosa Village: Cafe Holander, Leff's Lucky town, YoMama (a new AWESOME frozen yogurt place that opened up) and the Chancery (where we had to hitchhike home due to the rain... thanks to the nice strangers Fran and Lucy for the ride)
    • The Miller Brewery Tour
    • Pat and Fran's house and pool
    • Michael and Katherine's cat Brian!
    • My Aunt Mary and Uncle Clint and cousin Stephan
    • Saint Jude for mass (this was where I went to gradeschool and my dad still volunteers here)!
    • the Firefly restaurant for dinner with my parents and soon to be married Dani and James!
All in all it was an awesome week home.  It was nice to just rest and hang out at my house and around my town... but unfortunately that meant that I didn't do too much adventuring out... I didn't really see any of my friends from back home because I was busy being a "homebody" so... I am SORRY for those who I didn't meet up with... BUT if you will forgive me I will be back in July for a weekend or two (chicago in between).

We took a few photos so I will put those up when I have them AND I have yet to post the photos from the tri so those will be out soon!

Happy Monday back to Madness in the office!

09 June 2011

swim. bike. run. sleep.

Done and done... my first TRIATHALON. It was an awesome experience.  I am so glad I chose to do the Danskin Women's triathalon for my first. So much enthusiasm. So many women. So much "girl power."

The weekend meant driving to Austin (three hours from Houston) post work on Friday. Tomás, "the saint" (when Brad, my cousin in law, did an ULTRA MARATHON...100 MILES, he referred to his wife as "the saint" in his entire email he sent out to friends and family) loaded up my camry with my bike and we got on the road.

The very generous JVs in Austin let us crash at their place for our first night. Monroe was a wonderful host and didn't mind that we came, talked a little but then crashed early (the rest of the JVs... including a bunch of my housemates were in San Antonio for a float-the-river and party weekend)!

Saturday morning we were up early to head to the Danskin Tri Expo to load ourselves up with free giveaways... but more importantly to learn about the course and rack my bike. The place was filled with athletes of all shapes, sizes and experience levels... all very excited but there was certainly a feeling of nervousness around.  Tomás waited in line to get my timing chip, race number and info while I sat in on a course overview.  This overview was pretty helpful... they went through and explained what the swim route looked like (a "U" shape with a different start and finish), the bike loop (filled with hills) and the run through a fields course... and how transitions might work (something I barely practiced... except for one good effort with roommates aid in which I ran from the shower in my swim stuff and practiced trying to get on my bike = hilarious). They chatted about pre-race jitters, the infamous sharp right turn on the bike (you come from going down hill, to slow to make a right turn that goes immediately uphill), morning of event etc.

Then came relaxing and visiting with my family.  I had a great last meal with my Uncle Steve, Aunt Katy, Bridget, Eric, Meghan, Chris and Tomás at the melting pot.  Meghan was another awesome host as we stayed in her sweet apartment in downtown Austin.

Race day began with a 4:30 wake up and we were out the door by 5:10.  The parking lot opened at 5:30 and we were in a mile long car line at 5:37 waiting to get in.  We parked, set up my transition area, got numbered (936), sunscreened, hydrated, did hand stands, a pre race run (short and bare footed since my shoes were already in my transition area), ate a few snacks and acquired the "pre-race jitters."  Tomás, unfortunately had to deal with my less-then-peppy attitude.

Then the waves startes... the royal caps, the light blue caps, the hot pink caps... and so on... and then my wave... the YELLOW caps!

da swim:
  • this was the start so I was REALLY nervous. 
  • I thought I would be most prepared/best at this event... WRONG. I was completely suprised at how much panic and anxiety I had gathered. I really struggled controling my breathing and making sure I was breathing right. I've heard horror stories of the swim starts.. people certainly weren't mean but there were always so many legs, splashes, arms and bodies around that it made it hard to stay calm and just breathe. I made it through. 
  • In the end it wasn't the distance... I can comfortably do 3 times that... I think it was just a half mile of pure chaos that my mind got the better of me...
  • Towards the end I finally started to get the swim of it... and as I neared the end I started thinking through my transition and getting ready for the bike...
da bike:
  • They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you always know. This category was a complete SURPRISE to me as I did MUCH better than I thought. 
  • Having dislocated my thumb in March leaving me in a brace and unable to bike on a road bike (or swim) I had done the LEAST training for cycling. BUT who knew that my LONG training days for the 100milers that me and my family did (JDRF century bike ride in Death Valley, CA) would see me through. 
  • I enjoyed the hills (this course is supposed to be notorious for rough bike hills) and loved the bike portion.
  • I do however miss my WONDERFUL bike that is hanging in our garage in Milwaukee... Absence makes the heart grow fonder as I peddled past people on amazing/expensive/elaborate road/tri bikes with my 7 speed (I thought 10 was the lowest) mountain bike.
  • I think you should ALL be very impressed at my MAX speed. I must have set some sort of record as my computer chip logged me in at 83.6 miles an hour (or maybe it was broken).
  • I made my first friend, Angela, on the bike portion (hard to make friends when swimming)!
  • When I came through for T2... by cheering squad had multiplied.... Tomás was joined by my roommate Alex and Austin JV,  Elizabeth.  They saw me through a quick transition and the way the course was set up got to see me right after mile one of the..
da run:
  • So in high school I was cross country captain... but this portion of the Tri reminded me that this was probably due to Spirit and NOT raw running ability. 
  • I knew I wouldn't be STELLAR at this portion... and my prophecy was fulfilled. I was tired, but uber pumped to finish. 
  • The neat thing about the course and the run is the view of all the bikers doing the WORST HILL... the runners run down the worst hill we had previously struggled up... THUS this section is filled with cheers and chants from runners and bikers alike cheering each other along.

And then the neatest thing happened... I finished. I no longer needed to swim, bike and run... but rather I could walk, relax and chat.

I wanted to get pictures out with this BUT I think I caught a bit of a flu-bug from Decker Lake so haven't gotten around to getting that organized. Hopefully, more to come.

That's all she wrote. 

    02 June 2011

    Naked Ladies Party. (something I think everyone should attend).

    What does one do when they receive an invitation to a "Naked Ladies Party"....
    .... one goes!

    Ok so this is not what you think.... (you are thinking a bunch of recent college grads, mixed with, free time, no homework, alcohol and experimentation right)... wrong.

    The other Jesuit Volunteer house had an AWESOME idea. They threw a "naked ladies clothing swap" party yesterday evening and it was a hooooot 'n a holla.

    The instructions were simple.
    - bring old clothes that you don't wear any more
    - bring items you don't want or don't care for
    - bring an open mind

    Instructions that should have been included....
    -wear undergarments appropriate for changing in and out of clothes.... (wink. wink. roommate who didn't do so)!

    So we all showed up ready for the adventure. 

    First Ashley (one of the prime organizers of the event) showcased her clothing up for grabs... she galavanted around and showed up her oldies but still goodies.

    Then we all took turns.

    Skirts from the 90s, Shirts with holes, Tank-tops that don't fit, Dresses that don't fit any more, Classic Henleys... come one come all it was the land of mis-fit clothing.

    But the way the magic works... we all left with a few less things we don't like... and a few more things we do!

    I got rid of some old leggings, earrings, a long t-shirt, purple t-shirt, a classic henley... and acquired a few awesome things... a new dress from Ashley, a dress and shirt from Margie... some earrings from a bag that Sarah had... It was GREAT!

    So now I want EVERYONE to do it... and invite me... I am sure I still have clothes I don't really wear. Esp when I go home..

    ... keep the love going... throw a naked ladies party... and maybe you'll end up with a shirt that someone wore to a 1980's party (that they drank to much at) that they got kicked out of.

    01 June 2011

    I am ALL for preventing type II diabetes....

    So I went for a swim at the YMCA. You know getting ready for this TRI that I signed up for that is rolling around the corner to THIS WEEKEND.

    So I am doing my own thing. Getting ready for a swim.

    And just to share with you a few of the "trails and tribulations" that occurred "pre-swim"
    • How does one wear a swim cap?

      • I haven't worn one of these thing-a-ma-bobbers in ages (esp since I have long hair now)... Do I put it on with wet or dry hair?
      • So I called my swimming friends... Ashley (fellow JV) didn't answer her phone and Kavitha (college roommate) who responded via text (studying in library) that I could try either
    • Why are couples in bikinis and board shorts always swimming in lanes, flirting, kissing, making out, NOT SWIMMING and taking of my training space?
    • Why do kids need to learn to swim when I want to train? (the world will never know the answer to this question).
    Ah woe is me.

    So I finally figure out a lane I could swim in. I have to ask the life guard if the lane (with no one and no children in it... is being used as the sign that no one took done says... "reserved for swimming lessons"...(little know fact... I don't mind sharing a lane BUT I have yet to ask someone to share... I am usually in swim-oblivion and someone taps me shoulder and asks to join).

    Ok so here I am swimming along... I've swam a half mile (which is the swim length in my sprint-tri) and I am trying to decide if I want to do another half or cool down. As I am swimming along this chubby little chubster of a kid keeps swimming under the rope from the kiddie pool area into my lane.

    I keep swimming back and forth and chubbie-mc-chubster keeps floating on by every time I swim back.

    and then I realize he is trying to speak to me!

    I get to the end of the lane and pop by swim cap skull out of the water to see what he wants... "Miss Miss can me and my buddy share a lane with you." 

    What am I supposed to do. Say No... to a kid who probably doesn't get much exercise and apparently parental supervision?

    So chubby, skinny-scrawny-tiny friend and I "just keep swimming." (the scrawny buddy leaves after a few laps)...

    10 more laps and the kid has popped into my (half) lane so apparently he's decided we should switch sides. 2 more laps and he realizes the error of his ways so taps me to ask which lane we should continue to swim in.

    Also something of note.... Chubberman isn't swimming front, breast or back stroke... he has chosen what I decided to call "octopus float" in which he swims backwards and propels his flabs by opening his arms and legs wide and then pushing them forward as if giving a hug.

    So the next time someone accuses me of advocating FOR type II diabetes.. (an accusation that has never actually occurred) I will recall the time I took an active stance against Childhood Obesity by letting chubbers swim like an octopus.

    p.s. also people still like me even though I turned 23 yesterday!