27 April 2012

crafty and we know it!

the sign on our apartment door... in case people forgot what kind of party it was!
well I survived my first craft party. and I couldn't be more elated.
the invitations! hand made jar stamp!

new sign for the craft party!
the how to!

gotta love chalkboard paint.

my favorite step!

and who doesn't love koozies!
and treats and crazy straws.

all the craft supplies.
and to my knowledge the first ever 811 roommate picture!

25 April 2012

24 x 24 as of April 25

here is where we are at... also please note I made a new tab to track my 24 x 24 (you may not some changes to my blog... more about that later as I am not totally done.

pictures of the craft party coming soon!

1. Read Nick Hornby's book, Juliet, Naked
2. Plan/Orchestrate a dinner OR craft party
3. Wardrobe Purge (get rid of a bunch of old stuff)
4. Read the Hunger Games
5. Revamp my blog
6. Find a new fun eye shadow
7. Make a SHORT stop motion picture animation film
8. Go to one new restaurant (this appears four times on the list ) (1/4)
9. Read Catching Fire

10. Scrapbook (specifically get started on Senior Year of College)
11. Read Mocking Jay
12. Explore watercolors
13. Go to one new restaurant (2/4)
14. Go to Hot Yoga for one week straight!
15. Go to one new restaurant (3/4)
16. Run 5 miles

17. Explore Gouache painting
18. Go to one new restaurant (4/4)
This rest are all for my big goal (#24)
19. Organize Linoleum prints
20. Make ipod hoodies
21. Organize Cake Topper Description
22. Make Wreaths
23. Make Bracelets
24. Open up my own ETSY shop

23 April 2012

raise your hand if you're wearing tennis shoes

I shipped up to Boston for some good old fashioned Marathon Monday Merriment. For those of you who haven't been that blessed to attend this big gig.... It is quite an adventure. For Boston College students it means the day off... and lots of well supporting of the runners (and maybe some consuming of beverages).

Some quick picks...

I was greeted by a whole gang of my lovely friends who all piled into one car to pick me up. It was truly fantastic. Julie, Will and I had to sit in the trunk area to make us all fit!

This may or may not have had a role in the cops coming to the "lamest" party ever. Will and Jim on kitchen countertop (see also Notre Dame vacation circa 2009)
mind over body. body over hill.

oh shoot, we are all wearing the same thing. a bit of a marathon monday tradition. this year was a bit warm for sweatshirts... but the back says "raise your hand if you're wearing tennis shoes"

arrupe belize 2010.
don't cross the line.

this is who we cheer for!
prime time to get a hair cut!
and of course had to throw this pic in.... some former graffiti work that is still up!

21 April 2012

two unrelated photos

This is a strange screen shot that Richie snapped awhile back. My mom and I were trying to pretend we had fallen asleep while he was talking.... but we couldn't stop laughing.

That is a lot of cheese for one little enchilada!

20 April 2012


12. Explore watercolors 

I tried this fun technique to make my favorite state, wisconsin. Instead of painting in each sections with the pigmented paint... I first painted the area with water... then when I dipped my brush in each section the watercolor just bleed throughout the section!

11 April 2012


well I survived another trip home to milwaukee. I just LOVE that place. and Tomás came too!

here are some instagrams from the weekend! 

Our Easter Dinner after the Saint Anne's Easter Vigil. We got to sit the WHOLE mass... and the vigil was only two hours!

We decorated eggs!

My uncle bill, a FANTASTIC chef, made some food!

And I hung out with my dad. 
Life is good.

04 April 2012

Saint Patrick's Day continued...

These are OLD because there is a surprise person who attend my Saint Patrick's Day celebration.... William Daley! On the road since Honduras!

Post Green Eggs and Pancakes!

Art Car.... with a special treat on the top?

Bag pipers at Molly Pub.. A special thanks to BOTH Miller and Budlight reps who helped with free contributions to our celebrations!

03 April 2012

the weekend of kate!

I got a lot of neat things done this weekend. Including some things off my 24x24!

3. Wardrobe Purge (get rid of a bunch of old stuff)

To start off... I did A LOT of cleaning and organizing. It was all part of my Lent goals as well... so in the end I have set aside a little over 2 bags full of things I no longer nead/wear etc. I even went and cleaned out my car/got it washed!

I reorganized my jewelry....(sneak peak for potential craft party project)

I know both the before and after look chaotic... but things are immensely better for me!

A few changes/updates to my mini shelf.

This is where the big overhaul took place... I wonder how long I can keep it organized!

12. Explore watercolors
I am not quite ready to cross this one of yet, but I started a project and I am pretty excited about it... I'll pass it along when I am done!

16. Run 5 miles
I did it! I went to Memorial Park (never run there) put my ear buds in... and got going.. AND it felt great.  It has been quite some time since I have run 5 miles!

11. Read Mocking Jay   
OMG... I feel so empty that I finished the Hunger Games series. They were SO good. I just loved every minute of reading it! I was SO excited after I finished it that I did something I have NEVER done before.... I went to a movie all by myself!  I saw the Hunger Games movie and I was so impressed. I just LOVED it!.

So all in all it was a pretty successful weekend. I have 13 things that I need to cross off... But I have got around 2 months to do it!

02 April 2012

Cartoons with a Cause!

My students recently finished an interesting art project. 

A local clinic came to me asking for student made art work for a new clinic (an old one is moving to a brand new location). 

I worked with their art coordinator who came up with this unique two part cartooning projects. 

My students had to create original cartoon images (that promote active living etc) to the theme of The Four Seasons... as  this is the theme of the new clinic. 

They traced their cartoons onto acetate paper and painted the back side. This gives the front side a finished/polished look. 

We made the backgrounds using a unique tissue-paper dying technique... They were organic and abstract!

Below are some finished products!