02 June 2011

Naked Ladies Party. (something I think everyone should attend).

What does one do when they receive an invitation to a "Naked Ladies Party"....
.... one goes!

Ok so this is not what you think.... (you are thinking a bunch of recent college grads, mixed with, free time, no homework, alcohol and experimentation right)... wrong.

The other Jesuit Volunteer house had an AWESOME idea. They threw a "naked ladies clothing swap" party yesterday evening and it was a hooooot 'n a holla.

The instructions were simple.
- bring old clothes that you don't wear any more
- bring items you don't want or don't care for
- bring an open mind

Instructions that should have been included....
-wear undergarments appropriate for changing in and out of clothes.... (wink. wink. roommate who didn't do so)!

So we all showed up ready for the adventure. 

First Ashley (one of the prime organizers of the event) showcased her clothing up for grabs... she galavanted around and showed up her oldies but still goodies.

Then we all took turns.

Skirts from the 90s, Shirts with holes, Tank-tops that don't fit, Dresses that don't fit any more, Classic Henleys... come one come all it was the land of mis-fit clothing.

But the way the magic works... we all left with a few less things we don't like... and a few more things we do!

I got rid of some old leggings, earrings, a long t-shirt, purple t-shirt, a classic henley... and acquired a few awesome things... a new dress from Ashley, a dress and shirt from Margie... some earrings from a bag that Sarah had... It was GREAT!

So now I want EVERYONE to do it... and invite me... I am sure I still have clothes I don't really wear. Esp when I go home..

... keep the love going... throw a naked ladies party... and maybe you'll end up with a shirt that someone wore to a 1980's party (that they drank to much at) that they got kicked out of.

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