31 August 2010

I did not sign up for this...

Gee wiz... as stated earlier its is hotter than the hinges of hell. all our days are in the nineties some in the triple digits and all our lows are in the 80s.

Speaking of lows in the 80s. I hit the "low 80" hour mark on Sunday which has put me in a bit of a funk. Bythat I mean from last Mondayto this past Sunday I worked 82 hours.  That included my 15 hour day with a trip to Texas A and M, along with a bunch of double digit days and working both Saturday and Sunday. 

I am exhausted to say the least.

As I write this I am at the 13 almost 14th hour of being here. Just waiting for a file to upload so that I can continue on through with my work.

I haven't had much time to sleep and no time to relax. I think what frustrates me most is that I feel as though I am being taken advantage of a bit. I know everyone has well intentions but I signed a contract to only work 40 hours.

I am at quite a tricky spot in terms of remedying the situation as I work in an office that has 3 people but should normally have 5. We run around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Also another big factor to my situation is the fact that transportation is tricky. My commute, if I were to take the public transportation would be an hour and fifteen minutes (one way). It includes 2 bus rides and 2 walks that total about a mile.  This all done in the Houston heat and in business professional clothes mind you!

My work sees the annoyance in the situation and in addition to that they worry about the walking part (which comes closer to the school as we are in a rougher neighborhood). A teacher last year said I should carry pepper spray. She said that if I would ever have to use it should would hope that it would only be for "the dogs that run around our neighborhood."  As a result I get picked up and dropped off by my supervisors which is also one of the reasons why I work insane hours.

My file is uploaded. Of to the presses I go... wishing for sleep and normalcy.


  1. Oh no, that sounds like way too much work especially since you're still new and they did somehow survive without you there at least for a little bit. On the other hand i was told on the 31st by my orientation people not to sign up for any extracurricular activities, even volunteering at the hospital connected to the school, since I will be working on academics 12 hours a day. We should schedule a phone session soon!

  2. hey! im not sure who this is as i cant see you last name or email.. sad face!
