03 December 2010

two posts... one day.... NO WAY

did you catch that.... the title rhymes (which is another thing i am thankful for... rhyming words!)

so here is the scoop.  yesterday i had the honor and pleasure of going wedding dress shopping for my friend (and co-worker... "fro-worker" [friend/co-worker])... irregardless we had a blast and went to this super cutesy consignment shop.

first we looked at dresses in her size range (where i found out that wedding dresses are two sizes bigger than your actual size.... sounds like a big ego deflation activity if you ask me... but stephanie said she didnt mind)

then we picked out a bunch we liked

THEN she got to try them on... and on... and on...

she tried on maybe six dresses

but then BINGO

we had found the ONE! who knew in just under an hour... a dress that had been dropped off that day... would be so fantastic.  Stephanie looked incredible... it fit her great... and her mom AND dad liked it too.

you know having this experience just made me think about how cool it was to be a part of this...

it was JUST like the time in my "advanced nude drawing" class last year where our model was walking on his platform and almost fell off....and right in that moment everyone in the class was thinking the same thing... "is this really going to happen... is this naked man going to fall off this 2 foot ledge he has been gallivanting on.. and potentially fall on my table/drawing/me "

only its a bit more different in that this time i was hoping Stephanie would buy the dress (WIN) and not for this man to fall in all his nakedness (LOSE).

and right in that cusp of decision (will he fall/will she buy dress) i couldn't help but think... this is really nothing like my drawing class at all.

needless to say... she bought the dress. woot woot.

she told me to keep it a secret. but no one reads this anyway so i thought id just post it here.

just kidding... i am better at keeping secrets than that!

1 comment:

  1. There's a shout-out to your blog in my blog. Blogalicious.

    From boys to men.
    ... girls to women.
    ... humans to heroes.
    ... skanks to secretaries.
    ... blah to BRIDE!
