07 October 2011


I thought, in tribute to Steve Jobs, the last great American... I would make fun of my parents. 

Let's start with some background.

My mom was most likely the reason for the invention of the term "crackberry," however, since this last may the entire Milwaukee Niemer Nuclear Family is iPhone wired.... that's right.. iNiemer.

My parents have loved their new iPhones...

Thus, for my mom's birthday (see previous post)... my dad bought her an iPad.

The truly fascinating thing about this, is how the iPad has come to revolutionize their lives. While most people are excited about its sleek, portable nature that provides easy use for email, maps, research and work... my parents seem to be impressed by some of the (in my opinion) less technologically significant apps.

Conversation with my dad on Tuesday:

Me: Hey der (we are from Wisconsin) whattareya doing?
Dad: Well, Mom is at a meeting so I was just playing with her iPad... the technology is quite amazing. You wouldn't BELIEVE what it can do. I've been downloading some pretty cool apps.
Me: Wow. What is your new favorite App?
Dad: I just downloaded this app that records your voice and then makes it sound like a dog is saying it.

My dad then continued to place his iPhone up to the iPad so I could hear the unbelievable technology from the iPad.

Steve Jobs... you've won my dad over.

Conversation with my Mom last night...

Mom: I am just loving my new iPad there are just so many neat things you can do with it. I downloaded the neatest App today while I was at my conference.
Me: Oh, really? What does it do?
Mom: It has ALL of the state capitols. I've been quizzing myself.
Mom: Montana
Mom: Helena
Mom: New Jersey
Mom: Trenton
Mom: It really has them ALL!
Mom: Kansas
Mom: Topeka!

Steve Jobs (while I am sure you didn't create this specific App) THANK you for creating a product that can entertain my mom.

Can you believe it... it has ALL of the capitals!

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition... they somehow already know what you truly want to become"

-Steve Jobs

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