22 September 2010


A lazy days weekend went by (with no complaints from me as I certainly needed a break)... Some updates and thoughts are as follows....

-back seat drivers are greatly appreciated when driving for the first time in a new city.... in a GIANT 15 person van

-JVC loves to BBQ
-a corner couch (you know one with two sides that you put in a tv) can be converted into a super long couch!
-the butt of that corner couch can turn into the perfect addition to a room as a reading chair
-the people of houston really love vince flynn (this is in reference to the author of the book that was purchased for me at half priced books) I had a training on Sunday and TWO different people commented on how great an author he is
- the only thing more fantastic than southwest airlines is my PARENTS... I LOVE southwest's cheap airfare (cough cough friends in Boston, Milwaukee elsewhere who want to visit me) and I love that it is enabling my parents to come down THIS WEEKEND for a visit. They are the best. In an effort to make my work hours/transportation either they are driving down my car! and then flying out of Austin (following what will be a GREAT visit with family there). I cannot wait to see them and show them toe wonders of Houston!
- the students always ask me if I play video games... do I come off as a gamer? Please let me know what I can change as this is certainly not my intention. 

My final rumination is a comment a student randomly made to me when I was chaperoning the bus on Monday....

"you are only as old as you think"

wise words.

1 comment:

  1. just have to say i read vince flynn...and he's awesome! hope you're doing well kate!
